My birthday is a few days before J's birthday and since I am not a big birthday person I rather enjoy how my birthday gets jumbled in with all of J's birthday celebrations. I celebrated my birthday with my three favorite boys over a yummy sushi dinner and then later in the week we had a few celebrations for J's 7th birthday. [I still cannot believe I am the mother of a seven year old! How did that happen? I still feel like a kid!]
A month before my birthday I made a list of things I wanted to do in my 36th year of life. I love lists and I actually have this list hanging on a pin board over my desk. Let's hope when my birthday rolls around again next year there will be a nice little red check mark next to each item. I am so happy that I've already been able to check off #17 + #31. [These photographs are of my first two attempts at baking no knead bread.]
Before my next birthday, I would like to...
1. have professional family photographs taken
2. design + landscape our backyard
3. go back to korea for a visit
4. improve my photography skills
5. learn to use the grill
6. re-design this site
7. work on a collaboration with someone i admire
8. make a blurb book
9. print out my old + current online journals
10. take the boys camping again this summer
11. go fishing with the boys
12. put pretty flower pots on my porch
13. write monthly letters to my boys
14. make a quilt [or at least a quilt top]
15. take a letterpress class
16. sew a summer dress
17. take a screen printing class [COMPLETED over the weekend!]
18. screen print fabric with my own design
19. knit something
20. read through the Bible
21. plant a little garden
22. start composting
23. change my avatar photograph
24. turn my handwriting into a font
25. visit NYC
26. visit LA to meet my new niece [she's scheduled to arrive in a few weeks]
27. learn all the world capitals
28. write down our family recipes
29. make a collage of the boys' artwork
30. finish making a paper crane mobile
31. bake no knead bread [COMPLETED]
32. bake macarons
33. go on a road trip with my family
34. give Facebook another chance
35. screen print t-shirts for the boys
36. purge my craft supply + fabric stash