Thank you for all the kind words regarding Appah's return. We are a happier family now that we are all under one roof. Big J didn't want Appah to go to work this morning, but was quickly distracted when I told him we would be meeting up with some of our favorite friends. He associates Sam + Melissa with all things good--cars, trucks, fun toys. We spent the first part of our play date at Bolt, perusing all the lovely fabric, notions and buttons. I left the store with some new additions to my growing orange + blue fabric collection.
The Quilter's Studio book [ISBN4579110390] is inspiring me to start some new patchwork projects.
I also want to make some patchwork potholders and oven mitts. Speaking of which, I received the loveliest package from Australia. Soo was so sweet and sent me a little "thank you" gift for hosting the vintage button swap. I literally tore open the package, squealed with delight [how did she know I love handmade oven mitts and Donna Hay magazines] and rushed to the computer to email her about how much I loved the gift. The Donna Hay magazine is a special kids issue and is full of beautiful photographs [you just can't beat the photo styling in her magazines!]. Thank you, Soo!
But before I begin any new projects, I must work on a few orders and a new freelance project. I am also on a self-imposed swap moratorium because I have a few outstanding swap packages to finish up and send off. Oh, and I had the brilliant idea of taking out everything from the closet and sticking it all in the middle of my studio, which somehow has spread all over the room. I really need to clean up the mess because it makes me a bit crazy in the head every time I open the door. If only I could just wiggle my nose...