One thing I love about the internet is the abundance of inspiration. One thing I dislike about the internet is the abundance of inspiration. For me there is a fine line between being inspired at what people are creating and being overwhelmed by all the projects I want to try or mediums I would like to experiment with [yes, Mr. Silkscreening, I'm talking to you!]. But once in awhile I will see a project that I LOVE and have to do ASAP and maybe, just maybe, I will actually COMPLETE. [What, you don't have a huge "need to finish" pile of projects?] When I saw
Sarah's cute jersey scarf I knew I had to make some for the boys.
Although I love the simplicity of dressing boys sometimes you just want to accessorize their outfits a bit. I tend to rely heavily on cute caps and scarves. I don't know if it is because I started them early, but my boys are really good at keeping their caps + scarves on so it makes it worth buying or making them in my book. So after spotting Sarah's jersey scarf I took the boys to Bolt where J picked out some light grey wool jersey. I bought one yard of the jersey and came home and cut it in a 10 inch strip and sewed the seams together to create a circle of jersey. I love the fact that the boys can put the scarves on really easily and they don't have any problems with the scarf falling off. But I realized after making them that I should have made the scarves at least 18 inches wide so they would be more "full". The photo shows them with the scarf wrapped around twice, although they can wrap them around three times for a tighter fit.

A few days later I found some beautiful teal bamboo jersey at Mill End. This time around I cut the yard of fabric in half so I had a piece of jersey 18"x56". J and I are currently sharing this scarf and I have to admit he looks better in it!